HUGE BLOWOUT SALE... at my res:P

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Electrobomb, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Hey EMC I am going to be selling different things than enchanted items in my shop, since I am not very good at pricing them, and other stores have way better business. SO, at 18894 on smp9 I am having a huge blowout sale with free stuff and REALLY cheap stuff, I sell normal and enchanted tools, The only thing that is not on sale is the weapons section, i will still sell those in the future, also my enchanted books section is closed off because i will auction them instead. Otherwise, buy buy buy!
  2. can you list a small list of the items on sale?
  3. Anything I do not sell (besides the weapon stuffz) before tuesday or something I will probably have a drop party, ill say at 2:00pm MT. time may change, at 19019
  4. Some items:
    Diamond Axe: 111r
    Free stone and wood tools
    eff. 4 fortune 2 diamond axe: 920r
    diamond hoe: 76r
    gold pickaxe: 20r
    shears: 3r
    Lots of other stuff:)
  5. Now all on sale items are condensed into 1 tower on 1 level. it is the 1st tower to the right of spawn.
  6. closing down sale stuffz drop party will start att 19019 in about 5 min... when i set it up