Hey Everyone So some of you know I use to have a mall on SMP1 well... I have built one on SMP8 BUT!I am in need of suppliers. What i need is: 4 Suppliers for each section (atleast). I will need you to be stocking daily and communicating with me a lot. The sections that REALLY need to be taken care of daily is: Stained Glass, Wool & Hardened Clay (4)1.OrigamiGJ2.3.4Ores, Ingots and Blocks (4) & Saplings (3)1. Bunkerllama2.3.4.Food (4) Blocks (3)1. KiraShizumi2.3.4.Dyes (4) Items (4) If you are looking to help out with any of these jobs please PM me and we can discuss business I AM LOOKING FOR LONG TERM SUPPLIERS!