Discussion in 'Player Jobs Available' started by YourDerivation, Feb 3, 2025.

  1. CLOSED :eek:

    I have around 60 chests, unorganised. that need to be organised.
    Ive been asking around with people I know on the server to no avail.

    I can pay 100k-150k for the job, bet, 200k if you can do it within the week of offering.
    I have a set-up area for the items to go into that have signs that can be renamed to fit the item your filling that chest with.

    It'll require a lot of time, absoloutely zero skill, and its relatively mindless, so throw on a netflix show and pretty please PM me either on here or on discord: myderivation :) Tank youuuuuuu

    proof im a baller

    where items would be going, but I very much doubt you'd need all of these chests since all dumped in unorganised it might fill up 20dc at most? no idea, but this area is cleaned up and ready.

    RES: UTOPIA at v/ 5622 or /v yourderivation-2
    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. Sounds fun
    YourDerivation likes this.
  3. Honestly, it does seem like fun. :cool: I've done it for others cause.. fun!
    I know it's closed.. just wanted to back ForsakenTroll on that fun part. :D
    YourDerivation and ThaKloned like this.