hello empireminecraft

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by radiounactive1, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. hi my username is radiounactive i love minecraft my freind KEVINwelch2001 told me about empireminecraft. i love games like skyrim, garrys mod and terraria. i live in ontario, canada. i like food but im not fat. and thats all
    Slip_Stream and jacob5089 like this.
  2. Welcome to Empire!
    Rimont likes this.
  3. Welcome to EMC :)
  4. Welcome!
    Hope you enjoy your time here
  5. you're my favorite
  6. Hey :D
  7. Welcome to the Empire Please enjoy EMC
  8. I'm just taking a guess here, but are you KEVINwelch by any chance? I remember him making a thread about having trouble registering his alt. If you are, welcome back! If not, welcome to EMC!
    radiounactive1 likes this.
  9. play much GMtower on Garry's mod?
  10. darn you figured out...
    matthew12hydro likes this.
  11. i havent tried playing gmtower yet. i will look into it
  12. its basically a bunch of different gamemodes on one "server" all credits earned transfer over between all gmodtower servers
  13. cool
  14. :D Welcome to the Empire :cool: