Headless Horseman Mask!!!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by cancepants, Nov 3, 2016.

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  1. I am auctioning off a Headless Horseman Mask on smp3 at res# 6252
  2. Starting price is 10k
  3. This auction is invalid for many reasons:

    1. You may not auction off promos during their release period. Since people are still able to obtain these with trading candy ( even if not through /promo ), it is still the period during which these are released.

    2. The format for your auction is invalid. You must have a starting price, a minimum bid increment, and the ending time ( whether a certain day, or 24/48/72 etc hours after last valid bid ) included in your post.
    Carbonyx likes this.
  4. ok thanks JohnKid
  5. PM sent to you Panda :)
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