Halloween Pumpkin Carving, Are you participating?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by moonolotl, Oct 30, 2016.


Are you carving pumpkins this year?

Of Course! It's tradition! 3 vote(s) 42.9%
We don't usually but this year, yes! 2 vote(s) 28.6%
Nope, not this year. 2 vote(s) 28.6%
  1. I was busy designing my pumpkin when i thought to myself, how many other people actually carve pumpkins on halloween?

    So I decided to make a poll and ask for pictures of your halloween carved pumpkins! :)

    I haven't finished mine of course, but I will post pictures when I do.
    If you're gonna carve pumpkins on actual halloween say that too, or what you're gonna do.
    This is actually my first experience in carving a pumpkin, wish me luck! ;)
    Sealeon likes this.
  2. I spent 2 hours trying to carve a TARDIS but it looked awful so in a rage quit I spun it around and carved an awful, cringey face in under a minute :p
    DaysInTheDust likes this.
  3. That sounds quite adventurous, I probably would never trust myself with something so intricate. :D
    I respect you for trying in all honesty.
  4. Finished my pumpkin, I made a bat cat :p
    I think this was pretty good, for my first try at least