Hello. As most players know, I find the llama so cute and way better to its imposter, the alpaca. So, if you wanna win 100k, change your profile picture to a llama, and part of you signature to say "#LlamasRule" or have a llama picture in there w/ the number you want from 1-1o0. This is just for fun, you aren't required to do this. Llama. Winners drawn in 1 month.
beatsmode miss_peevle beatsmode Haley58 RhiTheNarwhal AsternFlyer624 WOO136 zombieslayer010 miss_peevle Haley58 jossytheninja Rosy2696 RhiTheNarwhal miljl1 Tech_Ninja42 AsternFlyer624 WOO136 TromboneSteve zombieslayer010 PhoenixAffinity ShyGuyGamer1 jossytheninja Callumthenutter tuqueque TriforceP Rosy2696 poofasaurus janicethedorito DeathPunchKitty krysyyjane9191 AussieZaid beatsmode miljl1 miss_peevle Haley58 RhiTheNarwhal AsternFlyer624 WOO136 TromboneSteve zombieslayer010 miljl1 Tech_Ninja42 PhoenixAffinity ShyGuyGamer1 jossytheninja Callumthenutter tuqueque TriforceP Rosy2696 TromboneSteve poofasaurus janicethedorito DeathPunchKitty krysyyjane9191 PhoenixAffinity AussieZaid miljl1 miss_peevle Haley58 RhiTheNarwhal AsternFlyer624 WOO136 TromboneSteve ShyGuyGamer1 zombieslayer010 Tech_Ninja42 PhoenixAffinity ShyGuyGamer1 Callumthenutter U/K tuqueque U/K U/k U/K TriforceP U/K U/K U/K poofasaurus JaniceTheDorito U/K U/K U/K U/K U/K U/K DeathPunchKitty U/K U/K U/K krysyyjane9191 U/K U/K U/K U/K U/K U/K Uk U/K AussieZaid Reserved for Winner:
change your profile pic to a llama ( doesn't matter what llama just not an alpaca ), and your signature needs to have "#llamasrule"