[FREE] Santa Suit Service

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by MrAdazahi, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. *i did not copy the duck pls no sue me quack

    Free santa suits for ur skin yay

    Just reply to thread and exex will make u into a jolly cookie eating milk drinking presant giving sleigh rideing (insert your name here)

    I have decided to call myself santascore

    Here is my skin for referance on how the skin would look

    Note: i do not do elves
    Note note: i also dont do mrs claus
    Note note note: these are original and made by me, you wont find them anywhere else but it may take some time depending on how many ppl want it
    Last note: any additions/ removals can be requested ex. I want it without a beard and i want the suit to be green and buckle to be silver o wait thats an elf i guess i do elves now

    How to santify urself

    - reply "i want santification" (or whatever) with a downloadable file of your skin

    - make specific requests as said in the last note

    Hohoho marry exmas -santa score
  2. Idk if this is in the right section if it is in wrong pls move it mod/ss/admin or whoever somehow can move the thread
    BlueBirbPlayz likes this.
  3. Should be in products and services section.
    BlueBirbPlayz likes this.
  4. I didnt put it there cuz its free and usually those cost money but...

    Do ur thin (insert mod here)
    BlueBirbPlayz likes this.
  5. Omg yas pls! I love your skin and would love mine to look like that!

    does that work for ya ? Idk how to put download file on
  6. Its a service right?
    BlueBirbPlayz likes this.
  7. I need the skin file not the skin
    Find ur skin on skindex or whatever and press download to pc and not upload to minecraft
    Then put it on imgur and give me the link

    And do u want a beard? Not sure dragons grow beards lol
    BlueBirbPlayz likes this.
  8. A free service? Pretty unusual service #weneedanewplaceforfreestufflol
    BlueBirbPlayz and ChespinLover77 like this.
  9. Its a service free or not.
    BlueBirbPlayz likes this.
  10. Welp i cant argue with that
    BlueBirbPlayz likes this.
  11. BlueBirbPlayz likes this.
  12. BlueBirbPlayz likes this.
  13. Uhh

    I dont know i use an app to do mu own, ask cardman he did it...
    Ill try :p
  14. Got it! Thanks for the skin exex! <3
  15. Hello! Do you still do this? If so I'd love one ^-^
  16. Hmmm.... sounds like my ugly sweater thread... *grumble*
  17. He started this last year though