FREE - FortuneII, UnbIII, EffIII - [Closed]

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Xandrow, May 30, 2012.

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  1. I'm giving away a FortuneII, Unbreaking III, Efficiency III

    This giveaway is sponsored by: Xandrow' Enchanted Items Shop
    Here is what you need to do:

    Pick a number from below.

    Be sure to see if the number has been choosen before you pick it.
    Only 1number per player.
    Only 1player per number

    I will end this when all 30 numbers has been chosen.
    I will use to pick a random number, SO THIS WILL BE LEGIT!
    I will take a ScreenShot of the site, so everybody can see who won.

    16. MrSinn
    18. Pab10S
    20. 621op
    maximxc likes this.
  2. Fail, i spelt GiveAway wrong =P
    maximxc and Oleyy like this.
  3. I choose 7. Its my lucky number :)
    maximxc likes this.
  4. I pick 25, cheers :D
    maximxc likes this.
  5. Me is picking 14! :D
    maximxc likes this.
  6. maximxc likes this.
  7. 8
    maximxc likes this.
  8. i chose number 5
    maximxc likes this.
  9. 3 :D
    maximxc likes this.
  10. 1!
    maximxc likes this.
  11. eh... 9 :p hope i will win :D
    maximxc likes this.
  12. think think think.... 22 ;)
    FooHundred likes this.
  13. I'll take 24.
    maximxc likes this.
  14. I´ll take 13
    maximxc likes this.
  15. 20 PLZ
    maximxc likes this.
  16. This is going fast! 12 posts in 50 minutes!
    maximxc likes this.
  17. 23 please!
  18. 18 please
  19. I will take number 15
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