[ FORUM GAME ] World of Fear

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by ww2fan168, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. Introduction: ("The Drift" by Miracle plays) News: Today ( July 13th, 2020 ), the worlds leaders have fallen, terrorist groups have multiplied due to no one stepping up. All citizens are scared.... humanity has fallen as we kno.... ( blacks out). Your vision: A man walks up to you, he brings up a suitcase of money which contains 200 million dollars ( or whatever currency you use ), he tells you "Since there are no nations out there, why don't you step up there? Just take 3 countries, Ill be you co-leader... here, this money should do them fine. So what do you say? Yes or No?" ( yes you reply what 3 nations you wish to reign, no means you pass the offer to rule ).

    People that answered yes, please reply w/ this exact format "I (In game name), will bring the nations of ( 3 nations here ) to its fullest. I promise ( promise thats good ;) ) and will guaranty your safety from any threats."

    I ww2fan168, will bring the nations of America, Mexico, and Canada to its fullest measure. I promise no debt upon our nation and guaranty you safety from any threats.

    • Normal EMC rules
    • If you want to bring your army up you must follow this guideline: 100-500 troops ( 1 post ) , 600-1200 ( 2 posts ) , 1300-2600 ( 3 posts ), 2700- 13000 ( 4 posts ), 15000- 50000 ( 5 posts ).
    • If you want a nuclear bomb or anything stronger you must wait 12 posts to obtain it ;)
    • You can NOT have an army of 1,000,000 - 20,000,000,000+ troops in 2 or less turns!
    • Have fun!
    So, may i start this off by starting to bring my army up to 5,000 men ( 4 posts ). As well a trade fruit has been set up for following members.
  2. I Lord Rupees, will bring the nations of Germany, India, and Brazil to its fullest. I promise to destroy any other nation in out path and will guaranty your safety from any threats.
  3. I nfell2009 will bring the nations of China, Russia and Australia to its fullest. I promise I will become the real Nicki Minaj and will guaranty your safety from any threats.
  4. I bring my army up to 7,500 (4 Post) as well as close of communications to the following nations: Poland, Italy, France, Spain, United Kingdom, and Turkey.
  5. I Dragonhawk32, will bring the nations of Russia, China and Mongolia to its fullest. I promise to eliminate all foreign debt, cut taxes and strengthen our armies and will guaranty your safety from any threats.
  6. Too late :p
  7. I Dragonhawk32, will bring the nations of Britain (The UK), Spain and France to our fullest. I promise to eliminate all foreign debt, cut taxes and strengthen our armies. I will also guaranty your safety from any threats.
  8. Want an alliance? What's his face has cut your communications.
  9. Proposal has been accepted
  10. So when exactly do turns commence
  11. You can do another turn after 2 others have completed theres ( posted a comment)\


    My army has grown to 1000/5000 men ( 3 posts remain )
    Nuclear technology is being made for defensive purposes ( 12 posts remain )
    Soccer stadium is being built that will hold about 90,000 people, bringing in good money for future spendings ( 8 posts remain )
  12. My army has grown to 2,500/7,500 men (3 Post remaining)

    Gravitation tech has begun research for military purposes (10 post remaining)

    New fast food chain springing up in Brazil, boosting the economy (3 post remaining)
  13. The provinces of France, Spain and the United Kingdom have come together to form the Western European commonwealth. We have boycotted trade with Germany and placed economic sanctions on Brazil, as well as beginning construction on a new oil pipeline between Paris and Madrid (2 posts remaining). We're recruiting 37,500 troops due to friction along the French-German border (4 posts remaining), and our weapons scientist have began creating a high tech long-range missile defense system (9 posts remaining).
  14. I NathanRP, will bring the nations of Sweden, Italy, and Poland to their fullest. I promise to defend and protect the weak and eliminate all oppositions and will guarantee your safety from any threats.
    Dragonhawk32 likes this.
  15. I, ChamelonNYC, will bring the nations of Austria, Hungary, and Belgium to their fullest. I promise to defend all citizens and to have a self-sufficient economy.

    Yes I know they are small, but who said power is limited because of size? :p
  16. The WEC is looking to form an alliance with Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Sweden, Italy and Poland. The WEC's troops have grown in numbers to around 1,200 men, but are still far away from their goal of 37,500 (3 posts remaining). The Paris/Madrid oil pipeline is almost complete (1 post remaining), and scientist continue to work on the WEC missile defense system codenamed Enigma. The WEC has also started contructing two state-of-the-art aircraft carriers in London (7 posts remaining)
    ChamelonNYC likes this.
  17. Austria, Hungary, and Belgium group together to form the Eastern European Congress. The EEC's scientists begin development on a heavily armoured helicopter with the potential to carry large amounts of ammo. (4 turns)
    The EEC recruits 45,000 soldiers in response to the growing tension on the French-German border. (5 posts)
    The EEC builds a Oceanside resort in Belgium to attract tourists. (3 turns)
    The EEC accepts the WEC's proposal to form an alliance under one condition- we will not get involved in your affairs unless you issue a direct statement asking for our intervention.
  18. My army has grown to 2000/5000 men ( 3 posts )
    Nuclear technology has been passed legal for use ( 11 posts )
    Soccer stadiums parking lot has been made ( 7 posts )
    We start recruitment of a strong navy (45,000 troops) ( 5 posts )

    Game: As a new year arrives, terrorist from the lands of Argentina threaten the following countries for chaotic disasters
    • China
    • Spain
    • Sweden
    • Austria
    • Canada
    I set troops out to protect civilians and set a 2,000,000£ for products from the lands of
    • Belgium ( pending approval )
    • France ( pending approval )
    • Italy ( pending approval )
    • Russia (pending approval)
  19. May we ask how many terrorists have gotten into each territory?