So regular forum rules apply but this game is meant to be fun so snarky answers are aloud within reason. Don't be harsher than prune juice is on the bowels. So this is how the game goes. Post 1) Are you ready for a trip to Germany? Post 2) No, but I'm bringing a translator so I'll be fine. Are you ready for a peanut butter sandwich? Post 3) I will when I slap some jelly on it. Are you ready for a Blizz Ard event? Post 4) Once I grab my renamed sword "Arctic Inferno" ECT..... Are you ready for a beach vacation?
No as I have to work during trick or treat hours. Are you ready to eat your weight in gummy bears worms?
Only if I can share them Lady and the Tramp style. Are you ready to be the first person to walk on Mars ?
If it bacon flavored, they make it you know. Are you ready to be amazed by The Magnificent Mighty Wizard Wimpy Winterfield !!!