Ok let's say you don't want anyone flying on your res and you want to toggle it to off where only you can fly on your own resident or off for yourself too. This also falls under the 7000 unique login promotion where everyone will get fly in town for a week. I personally don't want people flying to my hidden floors of the skyscraper I have The flag could be like /res set fly false, and that would just toggle it off for everyone. And to make it so only certain people can fly on your res, /res pset player fly true/false Just a suggestion, please give me feed back and vote your opinion on the poll. Edit : Credit to Melodytune for suggesting this on the official supporter perk thread.
Just saying, Melodytune said this in the official thread. Give credit where credit is due unless im wrong, which im not usually
It would be like when there is no move on a res, it would throw you to a corner of the residence. Though this would be coded differently since the server would have to check if your flying or not and then determine to throw you off. I'm sure the coding is possible but not lag reducible