[ESTABLISHED] CingdomFryer, part 2

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by CarFryer, Jan 23, 2022.

  1. Hello!

    I would like to expand my current outpost into newly generated 1.18 territory, I've placed a locked chest at [REDACTED]. I hope it's okay :D It's located on smp3

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  2. Removed the coordinates from the post for privacy/safety (unless you wish to have them re-applied as a public thing/public outpost - just know that we staff doing the approvals don't need it in the post, we can just ask if we need clarification on which locked chest it is! As long as you have the smp it was locked on and the name of your base, that's really all we need :p).

    But otherwise, you're good to go and established. Have fun!
    CarFryer likes this.