EMC's Strangest and Most Unique Road Edits

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jewel_king, Jun 15, 2018.


Have you noticed these or any like them before?

Yes 12 vote(s) 80.0%
No 3 vote(s) 20.0%

  1. Feel free to post any you find :)
  2. So there are multiple Tardis Scattered across SMP2

    And they all lead to this Res. I think it's a Krysspiracy :p
  3. Hmmm, isn't there a road somewhere with an end portal in it? :confused:
  4. There is, I know what you are talking about! I just can't for the life of me remember where it is.
  5. There are quite a few on smp8 that im trying to find where they are and who they belong to
  6. :p I would post the road edit for breeders corner, if it existed! *Stares at RainbowPony*
    How long are you going to wait!
  7. It's near spawn on one of the smps I think owO
    MoreMoople and FadedMartian like this.
  8. You can just barley see it in here but this is the only one I could find

    (There's also another better picture around on the forums somewhere possibly from a staffer)
  9. is that Will_McNab part of the road craziness or just a photobomber XD
  10. Auctually was an old skin of mine haha