EMC Mob Arena by Rainbow Chin -- So much fun~

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Zomberina, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. So, just wanted to say had a lot of fun at the mob arena tonight. Good group of players having a lot of fun. Annnnd, being the tourist I am, I snapped shots of some of the shenanigans!

    Hope more of you join us next time! Was a lot of fun!

    The Venue: SMP5 Mob Arena

    Little Selfie time with some of the players.
    Players start to arrive. The ninja is my son

    The mobs....

    Getting cornered by the mobs...

    Getting a little hot in there...

    Taking a breath..


    Enraged Skeletons riding...bouncing balls...of slime..

    Shot through the heart...

    Yes...those are skeletons riding....parrots.....

    What a sight!

    And then....

    We learned parrots carrying tnt...

    Gets a bit ... explosive...

    After all this craziness...we were left with a winner.....

    Congratulations SkeleTin007!!!
    EnderMagic1 likes this.
  2. Love Mob Arena- especially the mob puns. :p