Efficient III diamond pick unused

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by awsomeantz1, Jan 27, 2012.

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  1. - bidding will start at 3000r
    - bidding will end 12 hrs after the last bid
    - messing around and. Fake bidding will exclude you from further acutions
    - you will pay then collect from my utopia res at /v alexchance 2 I will have a chest set up for you with it in

    Hello it awsomeantz1 her and I am autioning off a diamond pick with eff 3 starting at 3000r and Joel you will bid happy bidding
  2. i will bid 3k
  3. your auction is invalided at the moment... you are missing minimum bid increase, you can click here to see full auction rules.
    Also I would love to alex post on here that he is letting you use his res on utopia that doesn't exist...
  4. This auction is from 2012.....
    haastregt and Keliris like this.
  5. oh no wonder I thought that was weird...
  6. Locked (lol though)
    Sydney4363 likes this.
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