Death by void is frustrating... especially when the main reason is server lag

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Digition, Mar 4, 2018.


How should we solve this problem?

First way 1 vote(s) 20.0%
Second way 2 vote(s) 40.0%
Neither - frustration is a feature 2 vote(s) 40.0%
  1. So, I've died in the end a couple of times. Three of them are death by void and when it comes to the two of them were clearly not my fault. Both of those times, when I was building a bridge across the void, at one point the blocks underneath me just disappeared and I fell down to my doom with my items disappeared forever.
    I see two possible options here:
    1. Fix the block disappearing glitch, which I imagine would be a harder option due to the extensive server tweaking to be done.
    2. Set all players' with negative Y keep inventory to true and switch it back to false (normal) whenever the player is at positive Y

    What do you think, fellow citizens?
  2. Most people have elytra in the end so I haven't seen it here, and I didn't experience it when getting my first elytra. I can't see them making it so you survive the void though. >.< I think they just want to fix the glitch...
  3. The dissapearing blocks are mostly caused by lag between you and the server. Since the server runs at 20TPS (which is as high as it gets) most of the time, it is most likely your internet connection.
    EvilBlo likes this.
  4. I understand that losing all your items due to dying in the void can be frustrating, especially if it is because of some connection issues (at least your block glitch description usually is because of internet trouble, I have never seen it because of another reason), but I think that the second option of keeping your inventory when you die due to the void is not an option. The void is a standard minecraft feature, and this rough way of losing your items when dying in it is intentional. EMC is a server that wants to keep these vanilla MC features, which I think is a very good thing.
    Note that when you would use a fix like you suggested, this would also apply to dying in the void when fighting a dragon, building bases or any other actions in the end, which could also easily be a player's own mistake. I think that removing such a risk would make things a little too easy.

    So unfortunately, the best thing I can recommend you is to have minimal stuff on you when bridging or building in the end. Only have a couple stacks of dirt or something with you and put the rest in a chest at the start of your bridge for temporary storage. That way you won't lose too much when you die in the void, and you can easily recover.:)
    Patr1cV, EvilBlo and MoreMoople like this.
  5. I had this issue everytime when I used my work PC and was due to connection. At home it was never an issue. As an alternative (and what I've been using now) try moving around the End using Elytra and rockets. It's way faster and not as risky. If you've never used one before practice somewhere safe before trying in the end.
    EvilBlo likes this.
  6. I am no dev, clearly, but I cannot see either of these being implemented. The prior is simply something that occurs due to communication between client and server whereas the latter would make traversing the End - which is already stupidly easy due to elytra/rockets, ender pearls, etc - even easier. You wouldn't even have to bring along an enderchest to store your items in before killing yourself to get back to town. You could just leap into the Void, die, and respawn with all your loot at an outpost.

    That is not how EMC's meant to be played.
    EvilBlo and MoreMoople like this.
  7. Okay, I thank you for responding on this topic, I was just trying to get my first elytra, but the first time I actually died was due to the distance between the islands being too much my ender pearls, so I've decided to go with the bridge technique. Unfortunately, it made me write this post.

    But there's no need to worry now. One of my friends gave me an elytra and everything is alright now :D
    haastregt, q1zx, Slvr and 3 others like this.