DC of quartz blocks auction

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Bosoc, Jan 28, 2017.

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  1. item: dc of quartz blocks
    starting bid: 70k (70,000)
    Minimum bid increase: 1k (1000)
    ends 42 hours after the last bid!

  2. 100k
    Tuqueque likes this.
  3. only bump 3hours after last post :)
  4. HEY! just wanted to let you know you won the bid!
    send over the 150k, and ill let you know where to pick up the quartz!
    thank you!
    Trommis likes this.
  5. it will have to wait to tomorrow as i can't get on right now sorry
  6. that is completely fine <3
    ill send u a PM with the location for the quartz once you do tho~
    Trommis likes this.
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