[closed] Promos & Vouchers

Discussion in 'Selling' started by ElephantsRoar, Oct 2, 2017.

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  1. So I have:
    2017 Labor Bench - 1
    Meteor Bow - 3
    Vault Voucher - 1
    Zombie Virus - 6

    So I am willing to trade anyone of these items for at least 2 promos.
    Keep in mind the more promos you put out to trade the more likely I am to accept the trade.
    So I am willing to sell anyone of these items.

    I might accept 1 Promo for 1 Promo if it is good enough.

    Selling/Trading them at 3069.
  2. Anyone interested?
  3. How much for the bench?
  4. See me in game
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