[closed][auction] Shulker Box of Maxed Tridents - 1 Rupee Start!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TuckerAmbr, Apr 25, 2020.

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  1. Yes a Shulker Box of OP Tridents
    That is 27 of them with any combination of enchantments you request
    as long as they are possible
    Make Great Gifts!
    Stock a Shop With Them!
    Too Many Uses To Name!
    Starting Bid 1 Rupee
    Bid Increments 1000
    Auction Ends 48 Hours After Last Bid
    Pickup Arranged
    EfficiencyV likes this.
  2. twenty-seven of the finest rupees

    eddit: you should have this moved to auctions
  3. 100k
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  4. 150k
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  5. Please indicate whether the auction price includes the enchantments offered, and preferably what those options are for clarity. Thank you.

  6. To clarify, it does include the enchantments. Automatically comes with unbreaking III and mending and then you can chose from the following if compatible:

    Impaling V, Riptide III (not compatible with channeling or loyalty), Channeling (not compatible with riptide), and Loyalty III (not compatible with riptide).
    I Don't Have To Tell Anyone What An Offer This Is Or How Difficult It Was To Obtain.
    Best Of Bidding To All.
  7. At 150 this is really cheap. Still time.
  8. 270,000 r
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  9. That's 10K a trident. I was just selling them for 28K each and people were happy to pay it. Eff V stands to make 459,000 just by buying and reselling them. Still room to increase the bid.
  10. 275,000
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  11. 405,000 r and I am not reselling them all for profit, so my rupee bllance will go down 405,000 r, that is not making rupees. Also, bulk sells usually do not earn as much per item as one-at-a-time sells, but maybe this one will, this auction almost closed at 150k after several bumps, so these new bids are good news, I hope it goes up more
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  12. Bump, lets get TuckerAmbr more rupees!
    28k*27= 756k, so plenty of room for higher bids,
    I dont mind competition
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  13. I tried to help you get more rupees, but it did not work.
    I paid you 405,000 r.
    Started PM so we can arrange the enchants and puckup.
    Thank you for Tridents.
  14. Congratulations EfficiencyV and thanks.
    EfficiencyV likes this.
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