[closed][Auction] 1 DC of player heads,

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by SKangaroo1, Aug 24, 2018.

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  1. Welcome to my auction!

    I have an awesome DC of heads. These player heads are:

    Neffykitty; q1zx; BurgerKnight; 5karecboi; Tooth_man; Nate1207; Luna5NL.
    Skangaroo1; MissFable; SteelTiger11; vorachek2003; SecretAznEks; LeoV; Ava9; flyingcat333; witheraway38; Madgamer2014; we3mendi; YoLoGamingYT; UnPendejo_; Quartzic; 4Jed; Qvantvm; Little__kev; SonicViper237; rebw; wapamoli; jamiet07; The_pegger; Chase_Man_T; FlamingArrow22; sheeranGirl; AverageWalrus; Tommerle; LucariofAura; Adit456; blackdown10; pigzombie; Silverstone47; Deemideem; Ethy202; The_Pebble; s12hb10h; TheEnderUnicornz; potter_autumn; Aviatorhunter; Lila926; Marshmallowluv; Cherrybomb630; Kold_ice; we3mosses; Mrs_ender20

    Preview chest at /v Skangaroo1 on Smp4.

    Starting bid: 50k
    Min bid increments 2k.
    Auction ends 24 hours after last valid bid

  2. 55k
    Big__Kev likes this.
  3. you have won. access chest set on my res. please pay n pick up
  4. paid and gotten. Thanks~
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