[CLOSED] 2 Double Chests of every Diamond Tool & Armor

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Bro_im_infinite, Jun 28, 2021.

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  1. Items:
    2 double chests of Diamond Helmets
    2 double chests of Diamond Chestplates
    2 double chests of Diamond Leggings
    2 double chests of Diamond Boots

    2 double chests of Diamond Swords
    2 double chests of Diamond Pickaxes
    2 double chests of Diamond Axes
    2 double chests of Diamond Shovels
    2 double chests of Diamond Hoes

    Starting Bid: 75k
    Minimum increment: 500r
    Auction will end 48 hours after last valid bid

    Will deliver to the winner on any smp for no additional cost.
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  2. Lowered starting bid to 100k
  3. If my math is correct, and with the starting bid being 100k, the price per diamond at 100k is about 26.45 rupees per diamond
  4. thing is, you can trade diamond tools and armor for emeralds with villagers.

    Plus, the cost of enchanting all of this will be very high in terms of xp....takes me a day or 2 of nonstop enchanting to do 1 DC of, say, helmets, let alone 18 DC's
  5. Starting Bid lowered to 75k
  6. No bids, closed by request. :)
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