Christmas Celebration

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by aCookieGod, Dec 24, 2012.


Do you like Christmas?

Yes! I Love it! 6 vote(s) 100.0%
No! I hate it! 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. I hope you are all happy and cheerful for Christmas! Its Christmas Eve and tomorrow me and Dudelol523 are having a Firework Christmas party! It will be taking place at SMP1 Residence 1917! Empty out your vault and your inventory becuase there will be a big drop party at the end!

    PLEASE Do not jump off the watching platform. If you do jump out you'll be kicked out of the statium. We will be throwing EXP bottles down and shooting out goodies for Christmas! When you see EXP bottles and items raining down from the sky. It signals you may jump off the platform and party for Christmas!

    PLEASE DO NOT JUMP OFF THE PLATFORM. ( We needed you ALL to know to NOT jump off ! ;) )

    The Christmas Party is starting today right now! Please come to SMP1 Residence 1917 for a HUGE drop party and a Big Firework Show!

    Have a Great day and Merry Christmas to ALL of you!
    FireHose_Dragon likes this.
  2. Specifying when might help...

    Other than that, YAY! More free stuff!!!!
  3. I havn't discussed this with cookie yet Lol cause i just went off but we will probably do it around 8 pm eastern time or 7pm eastern time tomorrow if not we will go on every server to announce it before we do it :)
    FireHose_Dragon likes this.
  4. Christmas Party!!!!