1 nne3d th@t xP fOr m0bb hunnnt1ng!!!!111!!!!!1!! andd g0d arm0ur pl0x! any s3rv3er wud b3 fin3! jus n0t t0 f@r fr0m th3 w1ld3rn3ss 0ut0st pl0x!!1! buy1n f0r ar0und 2k thx y0u pl0x!!!1!!1! ann 1f yud cud, pl3as3 h@v3 @ 3nchent1ng t@bl3 plzzzzzzox. Thx. Translation due to the people saying how they could not 'read' it: I need xp for god armour and an wilderness outpost. I am trying to buy it for 2k. Please don' t have it too far away from spawn. Also a enchanting table would be appreciated. That took a long time to type so deal with it
Fine you guys ruin the fun. :'( I need xp for god armour and an wilderness outpost. I am trying to buy it for 2k. Please don' t have it too far away from spawn. Also a enchanting table would be appreciated. First of all it WAS technically english, and 2nd of all I was just joking around. Have you seen other people joke around and be funny? That' s what I was doing. Take a joke dude. Its not my fault you are too lazy to read it. Also can you show me where in the rules where you can't allow people that are not from england?
I said nothing about people who were not from england, just that people should use an easy to read variation of english. But I did find this in http://empireminecraft.com/help/terms Non-English Communication: EMC is an English language service. Communication, particularly content viewable by many users, will be conducted in the English language. This also means that users will use the English language properly. "Leet speak" and alternating upper/lowercase letters (i.e. "tYpInG lIKe ThIS") are difficult to read and will not be tolerated. Profile posts are not meant to be public, but instead private. But if you try to read what I posted aloud, you might be able to understand it.
Anyways, I can build you one as a part of epic inc. It will have to be a darkroom spawner, as you probably are not willing to go find a monster spawner. It will cost 5k minimum. Pm me for details.
I am currently working on a semi public skytrap with an xp mode and also a afk grinding mode. I will see how the spawn rates are when I finish and if it works i might build one for you for rupees