Buying Shulker Shells

Discussion in 'Buying' started by DIAMONDDEVEL737, Dec 12, 2017.


Is 1.8Kr a reasonable price

It's reasonable 5 vote(s) 55.6%
It's too little 4 vote(s) 44.4%
It's too much 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Hi! I am trying to acquire some Shulker shells. I will buy them for 1.8Kr @ 1169 on SMP1. I have had a look around, and judge this to be a good price. not much else to say. Have a great day!
  2. how many are you looking to buy?
  3. A lot. I am looking to buy a lot
  4. alrighty, i should have a couple trips worth of shells coming in soon will sell them to you at your res
    DIAMONDDEVEL737 likes this.
  5. VrangrBorealis should have sold u a bunch, if u need more let me know
    DIAMONDDEVEL737 likes this.
  6. That was fine for the time being, may need more in future! 😀
  7. just let me know!
    DIAMONDDEVEL737 likes this.
  8. Still buying, however, be aware that I do run out of rupees every now and then. Any questions can be sorted in pm or on this thread