[CLOSED] REALLY GOOD Incitatus or Saltar (paying LOTS)

Discussion in 'Buying' started by Starsphere, May 1, 2018.

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  1. ignore this, just close this thread
    RainbowPony and AncientTower like this.
  2. Oh let me go online. Ill do incitatus.i believe i have an unused egg.

    Give me 24 hrs.
    Starzival likes this.
  3. Does it have over 90 jump? I'm only buying an Incitatus with over 90 jump (which is very hard to get). They spawn with an average of 70 jump, but I believe it can be low as 40 or high as 100.
    RainbowPony likes this.
  4. Ill check for you mate I'm not sure
    Starzival likes this.
  5. my inci has 79 jump oof
  6. Bumping this, since I now have the money needed to buy one.

    A used saltar normally goes for ~950k, but I am paying 1.5m (550k more than normal) if it has over 120 speed.
    A used incitatus normally goes for ~750k, but I am paying 1.5m (750k more than normal) if it has over 90 jump.
  7. I'd like this thread closed, please - I'll make another thread in a few days where I list all the horses I am buying.
    JohnKid likes this.
  8. Closed at the request of OP.
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