Hello, I am looking to buy various promos which i need for my collection. Here is what I currently need: ICC Valentine's Day Head (x1) Iron Blocks Of Clickyness (as many as possible) Gold Blocks Of Clickyness (as many as possible) Diamond Blocks of Clickyness (as many as possible) Valens (x1) Tales of Eternia (x1) Promo Instructions (x1) Flaming Mob Launcher (x1) Mob Proof Vest (x1) Cactus Pants (x1) Feather Falling Boots (x1) If you have any of these you are willing to sell, pm me and we can negotiate a price. Thank you!
Not sure how much they go for. I spent 300k on my golden one so maybe like 150k per level? Like iron is 150k, gold is 300k, diamond is 450k. But like I said, idk how much they have been going for and am willing to adjust.
Not sure about prices. Been pretty inactive. Start a private conversation if you would like to sell and we can negotiate a price.