[BUSINESS] John's Enchants

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by EvanTheShrub, Mar 21, 2014.


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  1. Enchants
    I will do enchants. Until I can not get Utopia, these will be available.
    Side Note: I am more prepared to this than any other time.
    700r- 6-8 Level Enchant (Diamond Sword made for you)
    600r- 6-8 Level Enchant (Item provided by you)
    950r- 15 Level Enchant (Diamond Sword made for you)
    850r- 15 Level Enchant (Item provided by you)
    1,450r- 30 Level Enchant (Diamond Sword made for you)
    1,350r- 30 Level Enchant (Item provided by you)
    10r- Access Chest (smp1 and utopia only)
    5r- smp2-9

    25r- Ding! You have mail!
    PM this please.
    Deadline (Please make this loose):
    Access chest:

    Because of the enchant changes, I will stop for 1.8. I will get it and stock ASAP.
    Hope this helps!
  2. 500r for a sword?
  3. Forgot to check my sources :oops:
    100r now!
    Also, testimonials accepted.
  4. Do you mail?
  5. Um.. Checking... Well, um, 25r fee. Adding to OP.