Building a Mall

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Sonicx82903, May 25, 2017.


Do you want a mall on smp7?

Poll closed Jun 12, 2017.
Of course not weirdo! 2 vote(s) 28.6%
Sure why not? Smp7 is a small server and it needs nice large mall! 5 vote(s) 71.4%
  1. I'm building a new mall on smp7! I need to have some help designing and building. I don't have many rupees right now, but I can chalk up a lot of money in just a few days. (Mining and selling quartz) I need whomever is willing to help build to comment and i'll get back to you asap to talk money and design! Thanks a million!;)
  2. I might be able to help if you could specify what you need help with a bit more. I can do redstone
  3. Great! I'll see what you can do!
  4. If I wasn't almost 30k out on smp7 I would help :p
  5. What do you mean Carbonyx? :) (edit) I understand what you mean now my bad.
    Carbonyx likes this.