Book Exchange Canada

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by finch_rocks_1, Oct 27, 2016.

  1. Hey EMC,

    I have been working on a small side Project, and i finished it, just have to add the https, but can do it anytime really...Anyways, here it is...

    Book Exchange Canada Is Now Open to the Public. Feel free to go on there, and browse the site. Its okay if you are not sure, you can try it out, its 100% free... If you do like it, Please Share with friends, and friends of their friends, and like this post.

    The site is 100% working and we are also looking for people who want to help with the site. If you want to help, then please check out the site and send me a email at

    Please Spread the word, This site is to help save money for College and University Students, as well as people looking to sell books that are no longer in school.

    If there is some lag on the site, it should not last long as the more visitors, i get the more hardware i will add to the server.

    So Check it out at

    Feel free to spread the word, and check it out...
    Sorry for those outside of Canada, Designed only for Canadian schools right now...

    Lomax70 and ThaKloned like this.