Hey dudes its my birthday. Do that thing where you ask the questions. K? Cool. Good talk. Also I just wanted to say hi because I've not been active like at all until around 3 months ago so yeah hi. BTW I'd do an event or a giveaway or something but I'll save that for my 4 years of EMC on June 3rd when I'm out of school for the summer. (AKA i have nothing ready LOL)
Happy Birthday, dude! Anyway, I see your profile pic has you in a band uniform. Do you have any funny memories from the band you would share?
Hmmmm, Well there was the one time my friend lost his marching shoe on the field. It slipped off his foot halfway through the show and he had to march without it. That was pretty good. Not a lot besides that though, except for silly band director quotes from our assistant BD like "Impregnate your notes with sound" (Yeah he's weird.) He's also the one who gave me my nickname 'The Dark Lord' for how loud I can play and that I play all bass instruments. Oh yeah and the one time we used big flat tarps for props and they blew up in the wind and covered me and two other people. That was scary. We took them out of the show after that.