Aya's army vs. Momentus!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AyanamiKun, May 30, 2018.

  1. if u guys need doggies then check out /waste nw @ smp4. go out west into the forrest, theres seriously an insane amounts there. im almost out of rupees b/c its 100r per eggify ^.^

    but u should really try this urself if u can, this is soo cool, and very easy 2 kill momo!

    So how to defeat momo if ur alone?

    step 1: gather an army! soo many doggies in the waste right now.

    step 2: hit 'm where it hurts! :mad:. lol, the way he looks at me, i dont think he likes me no more.

    step 3: (is hardest part!): make sure ur doggies dont eat the shiney flesh or start chewing on the heads ^.^

    step 4: heal ur doggies! is really important, so give them a good treat to make them feel better. doggies love rotten flesh so it doesnt have 2 get expensive (i give my doggies cooked beef) ^.^

    step 5: home sweet home. let ur doggies rest @ the outpost b4 u go out on a new adventure.