[Auction][Wooden God Sword]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by genuineMC, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. V Sharpness
    Unbreaking III
    Looting III
    Knockback II
    FireAspect II
  2. Starting Bid (1,000) Min Bid (750)
  3. Oh, what is the ending time for this auction?
  4. {24} Hours
  5. 6,000 rupees
  6. Anyone Want To Go Higher
  7. when you host an auction, you have to wait at minimum, 3 hours before bumping the thread.
  8. He means 3 hrs after the last post.
  9. I've won the auction, I'll set up a chest for you at 8667 to drop off the sword, I'll pay upon collection, thanks :)
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