[AUCTION] So you wanna be a pirate?

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Sealeon, Dec 2, 2016.

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  1. So you wanna be a pirate? Than check out this auction!
    Items: 1 DC of Enchanted golden swords and 1 DC of gold nuggets
    11 -Knockback I gold swords
    23-Sharpness I gold swords
    5-Unbreaking I gold swords
    5- Smite I gold swords
    3-Bane of Arthropods I gold swords
    1-Sharpness II gold sword
    3-Sharpness I and Knockback I gold swords
    1-Smite I and Knockback I gold sword
    1-Sharpness II and Knockback I gold sword
    1-Bane of Arthropods I and Knockback I and Unbreaking I gold sword

    Starting bid- 1k (1,000)
    Minimum bid increment- 500r
    Pick-up /v Sealeon 1
    Auction end time- 48 hours after last valid bid

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  2. Bump!
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