[Auction] Promos/blizz parts and enchanted stuff

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by NuclearBobomb, Feb 4, 2017.

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  1. ITEMS:

    Vault Voucher x4
    Avalauncher x4
    Starter Legs
    Starter Chest
    Starter Sword
    ESCD x2
    Shear Madness

    Blizzard eye
    Blizzard Nose x4
    Blizzard Arm x4

    1. Protection III, Sharpness III
    2. Feather Falling I
    3. Feather Falling IV, Luck of the sea II
    4. Protection III, Power IV
    5. Projectile Prot IV, Unbreaking III, Power IV
    6. Protection III, Bane of arthropods IV
    7. Luck of the sea II
    8. Projectile Prot IV, Punch I
    9. Sharpness IV, Power IV
    10. Aqua Affinity
    11. Efficiency IV
    12. Feather Falling III, Efficiency II
    13. Protection III
    14. Power I
    15. Looting I
    16. Sharpness III
    17. Efficiency II
    18. Looting III
    19. Projectile Prot III
    20. Luck of the sea II
    21. Protection II
    22. Depth Strider I

    1. Sharpness IV, Unbreaking III
    2. Sharpness III, Knockback II
    3. Bane of Arthropods V, Unbreaking III
    Iron: Sweeping Edge III
    Diamond: Sharpness III

    1. Silk Touch, Unbreaking III
    2. Silk Touch, Unbreaking III
    Diamond: Efficiency I

    Iron Chests:
    1. Protection IV
    2. Protection IV, Thorns II
    3. Protection III, Thorns II, Unbreaking III
    4. Fire Prot IV, Unbreaking III
    Iron Helms:
    1. Blast Prot IV, Unbreaking III
    2. Fire Prot III, Respiration III, Aqua Affinity, Unbreaking III
    Gold Chest: Protection IV, Thorns II, Unbreaking III

    1. Unbreaking III, Power III
    2. Power III, Punch I
    3. Flame

    START BID: 10k
    AUCTION END TIME: 24 hours after last valid bid
    PICKUP: 14479 on smp7
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. 12,345 rupees
    Equinox_Boss and NuclearBobomb like this.
  3. Bump, still very cheap!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Midnight Bump, get it while its cheap!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. why do i even try :p
    you have 2mil to waste
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. forgot the bid xD
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. 2 mill to have or 2 mill to waste. not both :p

    Carbonyx and Allicanto like this.
  8. Bump, Still a good deal!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
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