Step up ladies and gentlemen for i have a mystical item for you that is rarely seen. The rare and elusive Permanent Derelict Protection Voucher. For those of you who might not know what this is, this voucher can be used to make it so that your residences never go derelict. When you go derelict without this voucher, you are at a risk to lose your residences. Item: 1 Permanent Derelict Protection VoucherBid Start: 500,000 RupeesMinimum Bid Increase: 5,000 RupeesAuction end time: 72hours after the last Valid Bid.Delivery: Sent through mail, shipping costs will be covered by me. Good Luck and Happy Bidding.
Congrats samsimx, you have won this auction with a bid of 2Million, the voucher will be mailed as soon as payment is received.
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