[Closed] [AUCTION] ICC Eggnog

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Jonniboiii, Feb 2, 2018.

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  1. Yes, you heard correctly! I'm selling the special ICC Eggnog. The ICC Eggnog is a specially bucket of milk dropped by IcecreamCow after Aikar's Economy Destroying Drop Party back in 2013. Redeem this to Krysyy to redeem one of ANY previous Promo Items!

    Note from Krysyy: This only applies to Promo Items that were available BEFORE the Eggnog was released. It does NOT apply to any after that.

    Item: IcecreamCow's Special Eggnog
    Starting Bid: 6,000,000r
    Minimum Bid Increase: 10,000r
    Auction Ends: 72 hours after last valid bid
    Pickup and Preview: /v 8888 (smp4)

    Lets see if I can sell this item, and in that case how far it goes. Happy bidding!:)
  2. 6,000,000 Rupees
    Big__Kev, Tuqueque, kaptrix and 7 others like this.
  3. 6,010,000r
  4. 6,100,000
    Tuqueque, Teodorn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. 6,110,000
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  6. 6,600,000
    Tuqueque and Teodorn like this.
  7. 7 mill
    Tuqueque, Teodorn and Roslyn like this.
  8. 7.1m
    Tuqueque and Teodorn like this.
  9. 7.2 mill
    Tuqueque, Teodorn and Roslyn like this.
  10. 7,210,000
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  11. 7,250,000
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  12. 7,260,000
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  13. 7,300,000
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  14. 7,310,000
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  15. Untype? I liked Laae better. 7,350,000
  16. 7,360,000
    I need to try some new things, a new name being that >:p
  17. 7,400,000
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  18. 7,410,000
    I mean I need this so we'll be here for a while I guess...
    Tuqueque, Roslyn and Teodorn like this.
  19. 7,440,000
    Na, you could just pop it up to 9 mill, that would end it faster.
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