[AUCTION] Horse Items (Armor) + Enchanted Books

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by sgx2000, Aug 23, 2013.

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  1. Item: 10 Name Tags, 5 Iron Bardings, 3 Enchanted Books (details below)
    Starting Bid: 1,000 Rupees
    Minimum Bid Increments: Only raise bids by at least 250 Rupees
    Auction Ending Time: Auction will end exactly 24 hours after the last bid has been posted with no other bids after it

    Enchanted Books:
    Looting I
    Respiration II
    Protection II
  2. hencat13 in the lead with a bid of 1250, 12 hours to go
  3. hencat13 back in the lead with a bid of 2250r!
  4. hencat ill pay for 1000r of it as long as you give me 2 iron bardings
  5. 5k for teh name tagz :D
  6. Lol I have 14 of them :p

  7. How about u lemme have tags and u haz teh rest and we split the price?
  8. Please wait 3 hours before bumping :)
  9. xHaro_Der, only post if you're bidding.

    AmusedStew in the lead with 5.5k
    MrUnknownian likes this.
  10. AmusedStew still in the lead with a bid of 5.5k :)
  11. AmusedStew leading with a bid of 5.5k :)
  12. AmusedStew still in the lead with 5.5k, about 5 hours or so left in the auction :)
  13. AmusedStew still in the lead with a 5.5k bid, about an hour and a half left :)
  14. Auction was won by Amused Stew, paid for and picked up

    thread can be closed
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