[ Auction ] Full Beacon Setup

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by cubefragment, Sep 29, 2017.

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  1. Item: Full Beacon Setup
    Starting Bid: 50,000 rupees
    Minimum Bid Decrease: 1000 rupees
    Auction Ending Time: 48hours after the last valid bid

    Something everyone needs at some point.
    Starting price is real low
    lets see where this goes. :rolleyes:

    Your friendly neighborhood builder

    cubefragment :p
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  2. I hate to be the one to ask but is this a valid auction? and is this a reverse auction or are you selling? The title says auction but the notes says bid decrease amount.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. I'm sorry, but this is an invalid auction. Per our auction rules, regular items (beacons an exception) must be in full DC quantities (so you'd need a full DC of iron ingots and a full DC of gold ingots–6 stacks in block form–to make those items valid). Beacons must be auctioned in quantities of at least 5.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or read up on the auction rules page.

    Thank you. Closing thread.
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