[Auction] Diamond pickaxe (Unbreaking III, Efficiency V, Fortune III)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Flash538, May 17, 2012.

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  1. Material: Diamond
    Enchantment: Unbreaking III, Efficiency V, Fortune III
    Condition: Never used
    Starting bid: 8000 Rupees
    Increase bid by: 100 Rupees
    End: 24 hours after the last bid
    Preview: Coming soon :p
  2. Samtheboo is in the lead with 8k :D
  3. 19 hours to go
  4. 4 hours to go
  5. Samtheboo is in the lead with 8200
  6. 11 hours to go
  7. SephirothWS is in the lead with 12k
  8. The emc site was down this weekend, but no bids could have been made in the 30 hours that it was down. So I guess I will continue the auction.
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