Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Hash98, Aug 7, 2012.

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    -Double Chest Full of Bones
    -Double Chest Full of Arrows
    -Double Chest Full of Arrows
    -Diamond Sword: Sharpness IV
    -Diamond Sword: BaneofArthopds V Fire Aspect II
    -Two Stacks of Cookies
    Starting Bid 5k
    Minimal Bid increasements: 500 Rupees
    Auction Ends 48 hours after the last bid
    I will post pictures below.
    Extra Information:
    -This will be delivered to YOU!
    -All mob drops from a legit mob grinder.
    -Last time I sold a double chest of bones only they were worth 6.5k.
    Auction winner-I will contact you in and Private Conversation.
    Have fun and good luck bidding.
  2. 2012-08-07_18.53.16.png
  3. 2012-08-07_18.53.12.png -Bows
    2012-08-07_18.53.02.png -Bones
  4. 2012-08-07_19.04.24.png -It also comes with a reciet:D. Also- Sorry if I spammed this forum a little bit. My computer would not let me post all these screen shots at once.
  5. In the last screenshot you can see me saying hi to you guys!
  6. Sorry I will have to close this auction. You can only auction ONE of the following:
    Any number of enchanted items.
    Dragon egg.
    A single double chest full with with he maximum amount of a single item. (54 stacks of 64 diamonds)
    Hash98 likes this.
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