[AUCTION] 3 DCs of Ender Pearls

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Zenithilator, Aug 25, 2013.


What should i do next?

Sandstone 4 vote(s) 50.0%
Wool 2 vote(s) 25.0%
Wheat 1 vote(s) 12.5%
Sugarcane 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Potato 1 vote(s) 12.5%
Carrot 0 vote(s) 0.0%
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  1. Starting bid: 1000 r

    Minimum bid increments: 100 r

    Auction ends: 24h after the last bid
  2. Oops-1000r
  3. gollark8 wins but will have to wait a bit. I am experiencing technical difficulties that will delay the pickup for 3-5 days. Apologies.
  4. Don't worry,I can't be on till GMT morning and I don't need them urgently.
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