[Auction] 2013 Holiday Pick

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by crafter31211, Mar 31, 2018.

  1. Starting Price: 450k
    Minimum Bid Increase: 5k
    Auction ends 48 Hours after last valid bid
    Item will be mailed to winner.
    OriginalScuf, MoeMacZap and q1zx like this.
  2. Price will stay as one recently sold for 475k, please keep comments to bid posts only.
  3. bump!
    Star09 likes this.
  4. Bumping!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  5. Invalid bid :p
    Min bid increase is 5,000r
  6. Whoops, definitely my bad there! Sorry about that. 460k.
    OriginalScuf and crafter31211 like this.
  7. 485k
    crafter31211 likes this.
  8. 520k
    crafter31211 likes this.
  9. 525k
    crafter31211 likes this.