[CLOSED] 2 Double Chests of Gold Blocks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Upmostlocket106, Sep 7, 2024.

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  1. Thread Title: [ Auction ] 2 Double Chests of Gold Blocks

    Item: 2 Double Chests of Gold Blocks

    Starting Bid: 1 Rupee

    Minimum Bid Increment: 1 Rupee

    Auction Ending Time: 2 days after last valid bid
  2. 25001r
    Upmostlocket106 likes this.
  3. 26001r
    Upmostlocket106 likes this.
  4. 70k :)
    Upmostlocket106 likes this.
  5. congrats, you win! will mail you the gold blocks
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