[AUCTION]10 stacks of Sea Lanterns

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by How_is_Perry, Nov 11, 2016.

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  1. Hey guys, this is Mustache2005, this is my first auction so i'm sorry if I mess something up, I did read the rules so hopefully I don't mess anything up.

    Item:10 stacks of sea lanterns
    Starting Bid:5k
    Minimum bid increment:100r
  2. omg, sorry forgot auction end.
    Auction Ending Time:48 hours after last valid bid
    Eviltoade likes this.
  3. You were actually pretty close but these are regular items:

    Regular Items
    Regular items are any items in Vanilla Minecraft, that are not listed separately here. They must be auctioned off in full double chest quantities. All items must have full durability. Variants (colors of wool, types of wood, etc) cannot be mixed.

    You also need to mention an ending time for the auction:
    Example - Ending Time: 48 Hours After Last Valid Bid

    I'll lock the thread and archive so you can redo it. Good luck! :)

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