[AUCTION] 10 dc's of cactus

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TheColorKingTCK, Jan 10, 2017.


do you think i should auction more cactus?

yes 2 vote(s) 66.7%
no 1 vote(s) 33.3%
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  1. Item: 10 dc's of cactus
    Starting Bid: 1k
    Minimum Bid Increment: 100r
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after last valid bid
  2. 1k for the green dye
  3. bump for the green dye lovers
  4. sry took me so long had stuff to do but congrats! pick up will be on utopia on /v ___Honey_Dew___-2
    ill have container given to u as soon asim online
  5. No problem, I actually forgot about this. lol Will pay no since I'm on.
  6. Just wondering if you are returning to the Empire anytime soon. I did pay but have not gotten access signs yet. I'm still in no rush but a time frame as to when you'll be back would be nice.
  7. im sooo sry ive been having lots of exams and forgot about this auction ill give you container perms now soooooooo sry it so late
  8. im sooo sry ive been having lots of exams and forgot about this auction ill give you container perms now soooooooo sry it so late
  9. That's quite alright, it was only 1k hardly an amount to obsess over. Though I'm glad you made it back on as you went derelict there for a couple hours. Hope you did well on the exams. As they are more important than a computer game.
  10. thx for understanding
    AncientTower likes this.
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