That's right folks! I said I would be bring out a second Diamond Voucher and here it is! If you've missed out on recent Diamond Voucher Auctions... HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! ITEM: 1 Diamond Voucher good for 1 Month of Diamond Level Supporter Perks! Start Bid: 200, 000 Rupees (dirt cheap if you ask me.....) Minimum Bid Increase: 5, 000 Rupees END Time: Friday October 6th at 5PM EASTERN (That's Server Time, folks....) LET THE BIDDING BEGIN! Who will give me the start bid of 200,000 Rupees?
LAST BUMP!!! This auction stands at 300K to MrCDUB! Who will push him off his podium in the LAST HOUR AND 55 MINUTES!?
Alright MrCDub!! This Supporter Voucher is yours! After payment of course.... Would you like delivery or pick up?