[Auction] 1 DC Player Heads

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by xSkitzie, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. As the title states a whole DC of the following player heads. (No two the same all different)

    HerobrineJules, Raven02, VictorianFleur, Drifterdog, LittlePrincess2, Jon_Fam, Super_Lavanoid, MickRS, Welshficwitch, Forbidden_Ange1, xXThugCPug360Xx, Kasdds, Animalgirl120, LenneFloat, Nosnhojhtiek, Goosemaster911, Foxylover150, TrueBacca11, Billycaiati, Nicstar9000, Starwars2005, SirGold_, Batroach, Techfilmer, Kytula, AboveAnF, 123Domoismynamo, SealInAction, Ark1een, Luke1031, CaptainBDawg22, SwordxKiller, Hades465, SomeLemming, Tayls02, WolfeDaYoutuber, Kay76087, Brbear, Thomasjcox, KJCHAV, B0bbythebuild3r, Goster701, KittyCatLover05, Thumper_Bunnie, AwsomnessofJmpk, IAmJudah, Blocksgirl, Midnigh19, Redrackem......

    Starting Bid: 10k
    Minimum Bid Increase: 250r
    Auction ends: 48 hours after last valid bid

    ***Again all proceeds go to building public farm on Utopia :D ***
    Bromine_XD likes this.
  2. 50K for a good cause
    xSkitzie likes this.
  3. 55k
    xSkitzie likes this.
  4. 56k how do you have my brbear head
    xSkitzie likes this.
  5. 100k to play
    xSkitzie likes this.
  6. 101k
    xSkitzie likes this.
  7. 150k
    xSkitzie likes this.
  8. 155k
    xSkitzie likes this.
  9. 160k
    xSkitzie likes this.
  10. 180k
    xSkitzie likes this.
  11. Congrats Raaynn with a bid of 180k access is setup on SMP6 res 13478 Thank you all for your bids.....Please close this thread <3