[Auction] 1 DC of bone blocks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by AyanamiKun, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. soz skeletin007, but ur cousins were really mean 2 me :(

    Auction: 1 DC of bone blocks
    Start prize: 10k rupees (10,000)
    Bid increase: 1k rupees (1,000)
    Auction ends: 48hrs after last valid bid

    pickup is on shells res b/c its easier for me. do /v 3544.auction to go there.
    Tuqueque, Theomglover and NDubb424 like this.
  2. and another bump!
  3. and i guess close 2 final bump! lol, almost forgot this ^.^
  4. Gratz, u won the auction!

    ill have the chest setup in 30min from now, pls pay me when u collect the blocks, thx!
  5. I can pay you later today when I get home from work =)
  6. Paid and picked up, thank you =)