[AUCTION] 1 DC Blaze Rods - Now you're wildest dreams still won't come true!!!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by bralukwie, Sep 24, 2017.

  1. HUH? - PREVIEW / PICKUP: At my res on SMP3 /v bralukwie
    UHH? - 1 DC of blaze rods, just like the title suggests.
    DUH? - Miminum bid increment is 100r. So obviously the starting bid is 100r since no other starting bid is mentioned.
    UMM? - Auction ends 48 hours after the last VALID bid.
    DER? - Happy hunting.
    deathconn likes this.
  2. 1234r
    bralukwie likes this.
  3. 5678r
    bralukwie likes this.
  4. 10,000
    bralukwie likes this.
  5. Winner winner vegan chikn dinner. I'll be setting up the chest shortly!!! Lemme know if you have any problems. DOnt forget to pay. Thanks everybody!!!!!!!!!1